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Welcome to Gaia Advice

Eva Grambye

My vision for Gaia Advice is to support a green and just transition in the Global South and Eastern Europe, by advising governments, boards, donors, companies and civil society.

A bit about myself. I am an experienced executive manager and board member. My expertise is within sustainable development, human rights, data ethics and humanitarian assistance, including civil military relations. I have had several postings abroad and missions in 20+ countries. I am a trained diplomat and well versed in international negotiations, policy analysis and advisory towards highest political levels, as well as in building alliances including public private partnerships. My passion is business development and bridging silos, motivating my team so we get from vision to action.

A Green and Just Transition

from purpose to practice

Gaia Advice offers advisory services within strategy, trend spotting, conceptualisation, appraisals, reviews, mobilisation of donors and stakeholders. Giving you a different perspective and new ideas.

You should see Gaia Advice as a critical friend with deep insights in building bridges between:

  • humanitarian needs and long-term solutions
  • digital transition and human rights
  • climate change finance and development aid
  • responsible business and ESG/SDG commitments

The end goal is to assist you in truly moving from the overall purpose of your business or project to a practice with impact.

Most recent assignment: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, giving strategic advice and mobilising donors for the Digital Democracy Initiative.

You are welcome to contact me and tell me what I can do for you. If you need more than me, I am able to set a strong team drawing on my elaborate network.